Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Luke 18:41 - I Want to See!

"What do you want me to do for you?" 
"Lord," he said, "I want to see!"
Luke 18:41

My heart is filled with compassion toward the blind beggar who is sitting by the side of the road in the verse preceding the focus verse. Blind, helpess, relying on others for his daily needs due to his disability, he hears that it is Jesus passing by. 

At that point, he starts screaming, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"

No doubt, he has heard of Jesus's other miracles and believes that Jesus can work a similar miracle on his behalf. Despite those around him yelling at him to be quiet, he persists until Jesus actually hears him.

So many of us are like that man, having our own problems, insecurities, fears, health issues, disabilities, worries. Modern science and medicine, themselves miracles, can often help with some of these problems. The danger for people of faith is that in trusting only medicine and science, we blindly miss the point that those methods are not the only way God works.

Just because we have different ways of getting our health needs met these days doesn't negate the fact that God still can and does work miracles. That's why He sent Jesus. That's why we call on His name.

I know that in my own life, I face the giants of my own fears daily. When it comes right down to it, Jesus is the one I must call on. He is the one who brings ultimate healing. He is the one that calms the storms and changes lives - miraculously. Sometimes in an instant, sometimes through a process: often in ways we least expect.

James 5:15 says:
Such a prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make you well.
Prayer for healing is an area where we as believers cannot give up even if we think the answer God may be giving is no because we don't know the mind of God or how He may be choosing to show Himself strong on behalf of believers.

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