Monday, August 31, 2015

Ecclesiastes 5:2 - Let Your Words Be Few

Be not rash with your mouth, nor let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. Therefore let your words be few.
Ecclesiastes 5:2

I haven't blogged in a while because I feel that I have, over the course of my life, thrown words around without really pausing to consider their greater meaning or consequences. Just because I can write doesn't mean I am called to write. Just because I have a thought doesn't mean everyone needs to know about it. When I'm presenting words in this blog regarding faith and my relationship with God, I need to more carefully consider this fact. The internet makes the words more public, more resounding (even if I have just a tiny audience).

I have learned many things in my Christian walk this year, and this - keeping my mouth closed - is one of them. God is sovereign, and we, as mere humans, cannot presume to understand his mysterious ways or what he may be doing in our lives. Today I just read the portion of Job where Job gets a big dressing down from God for all the complaints he has brought before him.

God is GOD. 

Sitting on His throne in heaven.

Just this fact alone hurts my brain a little to a lot. 

Yes, God does want to hear our hearts and our complaints even in the hardest times, but ... this focus verse suggests we need to keep our mouths shut if and when possible.

We should keeping silence before the holiness of God at times, not requesting something that, in all practicality, may not be the best for us or may be harder to deal with than we imagine from our finite perspective.

At the outset of this weird, challenging, and still extremely blessed year, I pledged before God and the world that I wanted to get healthy in mind, body, soul, and spirit. Great goal. But do I perfectly understand how those things are woven together? Can I presume to tell God want I, a peon made of dust, want to work on this year? 

God is leading me and guiding me in the areas that I asked and prayed for, addressing some long term strongholds. But it's in a way that I did not expect. Definitely, it's not in a way I would have chosen if I were writing the story.

Still, I am excited to be led by his hand in a way I do not know.

And I'm trying to remember to keep silent and listen, to let God teach me.

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