Wednesday, December 30, 2015

1 Chronicles 16:11 - His Strength

Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always.
1 Chronicles 16:11

This year I refuse to make a new year's resolution. I can't presume to know if my house will even be standing from one day to the next, let alone know what sort of journey God wants to take me on this year.

I do know that right now I am feeling called to STAY THE COURSE.

I want to remember that the little, daily disciplines in life are more important than can be imagined, not just the big things that get a lot of attention.

I want to make sure I am spending my time with my son in a way that will leave me no regrets when he's older. 

I want to be a wife that loves my acts-of-service dude in a way that leaves no doubt of my love. 

I want to make my house friendly and open and inviting to others so that I can always feel comfortable inviting others over. 

I want to continue my goal from last year to pursue health - mind, body, soul, spirit - however God sees fit to connect the pieces of that journey.

Most of all, I want to seek God's face in whatever situation comes my way. I praise Him for sustaining me through trials in the past couple of years and making this past year one of the best despite some bumps in the road.

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